Category: Speech Development

  • Knowing the common misarticulations of the /th/ sound is key to helping children overcome this challenging interdental consonant.

  • Tools and Techniques for Home Speech Practice

    You can support your child’s speech development at home using several effective techniques. Start by modeling simple language and descriptive terms during daily activities, helping them associate words with objects. Encourage open-ended conversations to promote their thoughts and expressions. Engage in fun activities like storytelling, playful games, and role-playing to build confidence and vocabulary. Integrate…

  • How to Choose the Right Speech Therapist

    To Choose the right speech therapist the process starts with understanding your child’s specific needs. Look for signs of speech delays, like unclear articulation or stuttering. Next, find qualified and licensed speech-language pathologists (SLPs) through directories and recommendations. It’s important to evaluate their experience and communication style. Consider different therapy settings, like private practices, schools,…

  • How to Encourage Speech Development at Home

    To encourage your child’s speech development at home, focus on early language exposure. Regularly read books together to enrich their vocabulary and comprehension. Engage in interactive play, allowing them to express themselves verbally. Singing nursery rhymes can boost phonetic awareness, and using descriptive language during daily tasks helps them learn new words. Limit screen time…

  • The Role of Play in Speech Development

    Play plays an essential role in speech development by offering kids a chance to practice and enhance their language skills. Through different types of play, like pretend play and storytelling, children expand their vocabulary and learn to express their feelings. Social skills, like sharing and taking turns, are also developed during play. For children with…

  • Normal Speech Development Timeline for Kids

    Understanding the normal speech development timeline for kids helps you track their language growth. By about 3 months, your child starts cooing and crying differently. Around 6 months, they babble with consonant-vowel sounds. By their first birthday, they say their first words. By 18 months, their vocabulary grows to about 50 words, including two-word phrases.…

  • Signs of Speech Delay in Early Childhood

    If you’re wondering about signs of speech delay in early childhood, there are several key indicators to watch for. By 12 months, your child should babble. By 15 months, they should say a few words and follow simple commands. By 18 months, using at least 20 words is expected, and by age 2, they should…

  • Understanding Toddler Speech Milestones for Parents

    Understanding toddler speech milestones is key to supporting your child’s communication skills. Between 1 to 2 years, they should grasp simple questions and mimic sounds. By age 2, expect a vocabulary of around 50 words. From 2 to 3 years, their vocabulary can grow to 200-300 words, and they’ll start forming simple sentences. Encouraging language…